Up to half of your life is in the postmenopausal years. It's a time to reap the fruits of your lifelong experiences to achieve your life missions, enjoy family life, climb your professional ladder, or just be yourself: happy, healthy, youthful, and energetic. It is more than hormones and metabolism. Come and let me, Dr. Tam, show you your potential.
Pregnancy is more than an experience. It is sacred. Your child chose you. Learn how to keep your child happy and healthy. It is beyond vitamins, blood tests, or ultrasounds; what you don't know will hurt you. Come ask Dr. Tam what nature has intended for you and your child.
Your body is more than all the hormones combined. If you suffer from menstrual problems, cysts, tumors, menopausal discomforts, or any other female problems, come see what I have to offer. Natural solutions, medications, surgery, or minimally invasive procedures are so confusing. Life is simple. Let me help you find and reverse your true cause.